We proactively identify security vulnerabilities of your enterprise’s daily operational activities, physical facility, information assets, current security infrastructure assets, the operational environment, and procedures concerning current and projected internal and external risks to people, property and information.

With consultants across the globe who provide a holistic, proactive approach to building an enterprise’s resilience to operational risk by incorporating an effective and sustainable risk management system that will enable the enterprise to function effectively without concern about security risks.


All recommended risk management measures will employ the best security practices combining the most efficient combination of equipment, manpower, and procedures ensuring a return on investment (ROI), meet business objectives that will be achieved in a non-obstructive secure environment, and are conducive to day-to-day operations.

PH&A constantly aim to achieve excellence by exceeding expectations through careful analysis

Embedding and advising corporate subject matter experts (SME) within enterprises whose main goal is to find new approaches to risk management,

security design, and operational resilience that will mitigate the exposure of direct and indirect threats to the enterprises tangible and intangible assets.

All PH&A consultants are highly trained, qualified, and experienced who operate in hostile and non-hostile regions worldwide in diverse sectors such as oil and gas, mining, media, non-government, and government organisations. This level of knowledge along with extensive corporate level experience ensures that PH&A equips the enterprise with a holistic risk management system that will enable enterprises to successfully operate in a safe and secure environment.


Paul Haddock & Associates strongly believes that we have an ethical responsibility to our employee’s welfare and our customers. As such the company is committed to providing all employees with a safe environment where they have the opportunity to excel, and to display high ethical standards in everything that we do. The following are specific commitments that we make.

All our employees and contractors deserve to work in a fair and ethical workplace. The company is committed to treating its employees, partners, and contractors with dignity and respect. Every employee has a responsibility to contribute to a work environment that reflects respect for human rights.

The company strongly supports the principles outlined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and incorporates these articles into key policies and procedures that apply to all company operations in all geographies.

The Company conducts due diligence when selecting new markets or potential partners and considers human rights criteria where appropriate.

The following policies directly support our commitment to employee welfare and human rights.

Paul Haddock & Associates is committed to providing a safe and healthy working environment for all employees. The Company’s commitment to a culture of safety promotes a work environment in which every employee returns safely to his or her family at the end of each day.

Employees will not be asked to perform work that is unsafe and may refuse to perform tasks if they believe that the activity or work environment is unsafe.

Paul Haddock & Associates is committed to maintaining a workplace where each individual is treated with respect and dignity. Individuals have the right to work in an environment that promotes equal employment opportunities and is free of unlawful discrimination in any form, including harassment based upon sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, race, national origin, religion, disability, age, veteran status, and any other protected characteristic.

The company is committed to a workplace free of harassment and abuse. Paul Haddock & Associates strictly prohibits any type of discrimination against any worker based upon race, colour, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, age, veteran status, disability, genetic information or other characteristic protected by law, and deals with customers and prospective customers on a non-discriminatory basis.

Paul Haddock & Associates strictly prohibits any form of slavery, forced, bonded or indentured labour. All work must be voluntary, and employees shall be free to leave work or terminate their employment with reasonable notice, as applicable under local laws and guidelines. Paul Haddock & Associates requires all its suppliers to ensure that all work performed for them is done so without the use of forced, compulsory, bonded, or indentured labour.

Paul Haddock & Associates provides employees with wages and benefits that are competitive and conform to local and national labour laws. The Company base its salary structure on a 48-hour working week, unless prior agreements have been reached. However, it compensates its employees for overtime hours at the rate required by applicable laws and regulations and pays its employees in a timely fashion.

Paul Haddock & Associates has an open-door policy where employees may report any issue or concern to their manager, the Human Resources department, or the Managing Director. All complaints can be emailed to [email protected] where all complaints will be handled discreetly, in a timely fashion and where necessary, actions are taken.

At Paul Haddock & Associates we are committed to protecting the environment and performing all work we undertake in an environmentally responsible manner. We believe ESG and good citizenship means protecting our environment, empowering our people to make positive change, promoting inclusivity and diversity, and operating with transparency and good governance.

The company is committed to conducting our business with a strong sense of ethics, honesty, and integrity that is critical in maintaining trust and credibility with customers, suppliers, employees, communities, owners, and other business partners. Every employee at Paul Haddock & Associates plays a very important role in continuing this ethos. As the foundation of these principles, it is the Company’s policy to comply with all applicable laws everywhere we do business.

Where practicable, Paul Haddock & Associates furnishes support to the local communities where we work and live. Our focus areas for community outreach and support include poverty-stricken families, the homeless, the vulnerable, and health educational activities.

People are at the very heart of what we do and as such form an integral part of our methodology. It is for this reason that business ethics plays such a vital role for the company, its employees, and our communities.

This declaration summarises additional policies and procedures that underpin our operational effectiveness.

“Effective and sustainable risk management system enabling the enterprise to function without concern about security risks”

“Effective and sustainable risk management system enabling the enterprise to function without concern about security risks”

PH&A constantly aim to achieve excellence by exceeding expectations

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